The carbon footprint of wool
Question: What should we consider when assessing the carbon impact of wool production?
We're on a mission to decarbonize the 1 gigaton CO2e fashion industry. Learn from our data, climate, and science experts, as they share their learnings along the way.
With this add-on, brands can understand their FLAG emissions, comply with SBTi, and take action to further reduce carbon emissions.
Question: What should we consider when assessing the carbon impact of wool production?
Question: What are the environmental impacts of waterless dyeing techniques compared to traditional dyeing methods?
Packaging - What is better in terms of carbon emissions: recycled paper/cardboard or recycled plastic?
Question: What are Laurent’s views on future clothing composition? Does he believe more in biobased fabrics or in textile-to-textile fabrics?
Question: How can we find out the real impact of the textile finishing process?
This new version of Ecoinvent 3.10 brings updated electricity and heat production data, reflecting recent updates in market mix and energy policies.
For fashion brands: Why should you re-baseline and how to approach it. See examples of how apparel brands are communicating a change in baseline emissions.
This article explores the thought process of assessing the benefits of utilizing ESG data management platforms and presents key insights derived from past...
Each part of a shoe is made of a different material, such as rubber, leather, or plastic. A shoe’s mass is not evenly distributed across its parts. For...
Explore cost-effective strategies, renewable energy initiatives, and insights on the financial benefits of reducing carbon emissions in the apparel industry....
Discover actionable strategies for fashion industry decarbonization. Explore insights from McKinsey's Fashion on Climate report and industry-specific examples,...
Your complete, hands-on guide to Carbon Accounting and the GHG protocol for fashion, textile, clothing, apparel and footwear companies.
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